Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Did you know that Tom and Jerry the Zionist propoganda from the Jewish Disney Corporation? That 54% of all Danish women don't know who the father of their child is? That female masturbation is far more dangerous than male masturbation?

It's all on TV. Middle Eastern TV, that is! Don't worry if your household set doesn't pick up al Jazeera, or Palestinian Authority television, or IRIN. You can view clips from a couple dozen Middle Eastern stations translated into English thanks to a foundation called MEMRI TV. Their extensive collection is searchable by subject (remarkably "Antisemitism", "Holocaust Denial" and "Arab-Israeli Conflict" are all independent subjects), by keyword, and by station.

MEMRI has the capacity to monitor these stations 24/7, and its efforts are routinely used by journalists and academics seeking reliable translations of recent broadcasts from the Middle East. It is often criticized, however, for pointedly distributing the most inflammatory, anti-West, anti-Jewish segments it sees. Imagine how you would feel if some foreign site which monitored American TV featured only clips from The 700 Club, the O'Reilly Factor, and other shows of that ilk.

While it does not provide an unbiased sample, I think it does do well in documenting some significant bizarre, hateful, and sometimes, hopeful, currents of thought from the Middle East for other parts of the world. One of my favorites is a clip of an affable Imam explaining that the high women-to-straight-men ratio in the West (apparently 1/3 of men in New York are homosexual) can be resolved by instituting polygamy.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Social influence on musical taste

Alan and Diana, I told you about this fascinating study already -- over 14,000 people listened to 48 songs by unknown bands online, rated them, then decided which ones to download, simulating a music market. 8 different "worlds" were run, in which either knowledge of others' preferences was provided or withheld. Turns out figuring out what's going to be a "hit" is indeed a tricky business.

No one really likes what they listen to, we're just a bunch of dumb music-loving sheep. Ahhhhh!

(If you're not at school with access to articles online let me know and I can email it to you)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Death of a Medium

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Difficult 3d puzzle

I've been trying to get past level 17 on this puzzle game all morning.